Maneuvering through this new life, remaining open up to possibility yet cautious. Setting clear boundaries so the opportunity to be taken advantage of is nowhere in sight.
Listening to my instincts, following my gut.
I am no longer attached to things or people.
If it suits me, great and if it doesn't serve a purpose or provide peace in my life, I let it go.
Release is powerful, remaining unattached and free of expectations is liberating. This mindset has allowed me to enjoy life in its rawest most natural form. It is my gift to myself, and to my heart.
My life before wasn't this way.
I was attached to Christopher, deeply.
I catered to his needs and lost myself in the process.
This wasn't his fault, I just thought that this was how love and relationships operated.
This is not so.
Ebb and flow. Give and take. Balance.
Balance is key and necessary.
I know that now.
I also know that if I can't allow others to freely be themselves and figure out their own needs, on their own terms, it won't last.
I can't fix everyone, and I don't have to.
My job here is to keep life easy and breezy.
To be a light when there is only darkness.
To smile, all the time.
There is so much to smile about.
And to allow those in when they need me and to let them go when our time has come to an end. To put my needs and my wants at the top of the totem pole and let the rest fall where it may.
And you know what?
It's working.
There is magic in detaching yourself from life's binding ways.
I am living, really living and it's only going to get better.
One day, when it's all over I will know that I lived a life that mattered and the release will be just that.
Sounds wonderful when you find all that matters and know it's just for now, then or years from now, find you in the moment. Realization and clarity.