Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Insert Feelings Here

Everyone dies. It's a fact. No one is safe from its grasp or the aftermath it leaves behind. Yet, we fear the inevitable and have no clue on how to deal with the emotions it burdens us with. Rationalizing death does not work. My mind understands the science but my heart has no idea on how to deal with the rest. Trying to explain this to children is nearly impossible and a harsh, cruel subject matter to burden them with. 

My son's heart is broken. 
Bits and pieces that remain are still breaking. He's convinced himself that this is just "a nightmare, one day we will wake up and Daddy will still be here". I feel the same way and wish with every ounce of my being that it is just that, a nightmare. My mind knows better. 

I am just here, holding them tightly, praying that one day we will find some super glue to turn all this broken into something. 

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